Home is the place where we feel safe.
Our trusted cleaning products play a big part in maintaining a healthy environment for the whole family.
Floor cleaners and waxes, laundry soaps, dishwasher detergents, bathroom sanitizers and much more are always in the background wherever we live. In the home, at work, and in lodgings while traveling, we take for granted oursafe and clean surroundings.
Net weight filling technology
Dedicated closed-loop dynamic weighing, analysis and feed control. The constant tare and Net weight tolerance controls, the self learning and continuous adaptation to changing conditions and the scale reset at each machine revolution allow our machinery to reach a standard deviation of σ < 1g and mean at setpoint ± 0,5g.
Capping options
Screw cap

Oriented press-on


Spray triggers

Crimped aerosol valve

Dip tubes

Pump dispensers

Welded foil